Monday, January 25, 2010

Fabric Disappointment

Last week, I was cruising my usual decor blogs and came across a post concerning a big time fabric store. I wondered if they had a location near where I work and I discovered they did! I was very excited to jet over there during my lunch break and finally pick out a fabric that I would like for my living room curtains. I am sick and tired of looking at the empty curtain rods and I've looked forever for curtains I like. I have to say that I was really disappointed for two reasons. One, the fabric was waaaaay expensive. I guess I just wasn't ready for $30.00 per yard fabric. There's no way I would pay that much for fabric when I need about 12 yards or more. Two, (and this is the really disappointing part) no one said a word to me. There were about 3 sales people in the small store. It wasn't busy. No one even made eye contact with me. And let me say that I looked cute and was wearing a cute outfit. When you're young, you don't really care if sales people come up to you, at least I didn't. But as I get older, I like to be recognized, heck if not even just for people to see that I exist in their sight line. I will definitely NOT be going back. There is another fabric store I frequent in town, and they are MUCH nicer, with reasonably priced fabric. I found a fabric at the new store that cost $30.00 a yard, and at the store I like, it costs $11.99! I couldn't believe the difference.

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