Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My first post!

I've been wanting to start a blog for quite awhile now. The only thing stopping me is how many blogs there are out there. There are so many! How will I ever be as good as the blogs that I follow? I'll just try to be me, and that's all I can be. I don't know exactly what I want this blog to be. I do know I need an outlet. I have so many things to share. I don't have many friends who share the same interests in decorating and fashion that I do. I want this blog to fill that void in my life. I don't know exactly how to start, and I may fail but here goes!

Things I hope to incorporate in this blog:
1. Spotlight my favorite blogs and authors
2. Post pictures of pretty rooms
3. Post pictures of fashion I like/celebrity fashion
4. Post pretty pictures that I take
5. Talk about photography
6. Talk about me (yay! my favorite subject!)
7. Talk about my christian walk
8. Share videos and inspiration from around the internet
9. Take pics of my outfits I like and are proud of
10. Shows, movies, and books that I love
11. Totally random thoughts going on in my head

Things I don't want to incorporate in this blog:
1. Boredom!

Posting may be sporadic and random while I get in a routine, but I hope to post at least once a day. I've thought about this blog for so long, I've started to think in blog posts!

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